Changing Hypnotic Realities Without a Word: The Power of Presuppositions

Conversational Hypnosis illustrates its power mostly through the language you use.  It is vital to learn how and when to use certain aspects of language to be successful in hypnosis.  Stealth Tactics are some of the most valuable concepts you will learn in the time you spend studying hypnosis. 

Stealth Tactics are a set of ways that will help you to enter the mind of a subject and leave your suggestion either without detection from the critical factor or by overloading the conscious mind in a way that it will not object to your statements presence. 

As you learn the Stealth Tactics you will also be learning how to combine those tactics with other language principals and concepts.  All of which will help you in creating a full process or picture of how hypnosis works.  Once you master all the language skills including Stealth Tactics you will be on your way to becoming a more skilled and accomplished hypnotist.

The fourth Stealth Tactic used in Conversational Hypnosis is the concept of Presuppositions.  So what exactly is a presupposition?  A presupposition is a linguistic assumption.  Presuppositions are used everyday by you and everyone you know.  These are things you assume given the statements you hear and make.  They are believed to be true just because of the language you are using. 

Almost every statement you make has a presupposition built into it.  The best way to explain a presupposition is to show you an example.  If you were to state, “The kids are riding in the back of the car.”  This is a fairly common statement, and there is a few presuppositions built into it.  The first is that there is a car.  The second is there is a back and front to the car.  And the third is that there is more than one child in the car.  All these things are things you assume from that simple common statement.

Another way that presuppositions work is once the information is implied you no longer consciously try to disagree with these facts.  Once the statement is made you are not questioning whether or not there are kids or a car, you are busy thinking about where the kids are in the car. 

Now there are many different types of presuppositions that can be made in many different ways, we will go over some of the most valuable for your needs in the art of hypnosis.

The first type of presupposition is one of awareness.  When you take the time to imply that you are aware of a certain thing it will immediately draw your listener’s attention to it.  In this presupposition you are taking the focus off the subject and redirecting their focus to where or why it is that way.  In this concept if resistance does take place it will happen on the level of awareness not on the subject itself.  Words you can use to imply awareness are know, aware, realized and noticed. 

The second type of presupposition uses time and time sequence with in the statement.  The presupposition that uses time and time sequence will state a chain of events in sequence or a time that they took place.  You can use numerical order to do this; first, second and third. 

You can also accomplish this by using words like begin, end, as soon as, prior to, after, before, continue and so on.  Any words that describe a time sequence or time something happened.

The reason this works to distract resistance is that your listener gets caught up in organizing the events and when they took place.  Even though this is not really necessary or important it does allow time for your suggestions and ideas to quietly slip by the critical factor.

As you are learning the three types of presuppositions you can also practice stacking presuppositions.  When you stack presuppositions, one on top of the other you are sending and overwhelming amount of information out for the conscious mind to make its way through.  This is a great way to distract the conscious mind from noticing the suggestion you are slipping in. 

Usually when you stack presupposition the listener’s conscious mind will get over loaded with information and generally revert back to just going with the flow of your speaking.  This means they are not going to take the time to critically think or analyze what you are saying, making resistance nonexistent.

The final presupposition you need to know is that of adverbs and adjectives.  These are used to imply quality or action.  They are descriptive words like fortunately, luckily, curious and sadly.  In this presupposition you are making your listener more aware of the quality of a thing than the thing itself.  “Luckily, I did catch the train.” 

There is no question about the train’s existence; the attention is drawn to the lucky part.  If you made this statement alone your listener would not resist the fact there was a train but want to know why you almost missed it.  The resistance is newly placed on the how; how did the action happen, how did you almost miss the train.  In this presupposition there is no need to know how to use or stack them because the conscious graciously does it for you.

It is important to remember that these are not just statements they are valuable tools for you to sneak into the mind past the critical factor.  This can be done with one presupposition but is more likely to work when you stack three or more together.  This will adequately overload the conscious so your suggestions are firmly planted.  In doing three or more presuppositions you will override the conscious’ ability to keep up with you and there will likely be no critical analysis at all.


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