How to Improve Your Nested Loops and Make Them More Sophisticated

Creating nested loops using three stories is a very important skill for your Conversational Hypnosis.  Creating nested loops will deeply improve you skill as a Conversational Hypnotist.  It will create a smooth way to navigate you and your subject through the 4 Stage Protocol and leave you and open space to place your suggestion to improve lives.

There are other types of nested loops other than the basic; here you will learn how to create and intermediate level nested loop and all the refinements and skills to add to your basic nested loops in order to do this. 

First let’s review the basic nested loop just to get you in the right frame of mind before diving into the intermediate nested loop.  In a basic nested loop you are going to have three to twelve stories in mind, whatever the situation your listener is faced with requires.  As you start each story you will tell the beginning 80% of the story. 

After you come to the climax you will use a hard or soft loop and transition into the next story. You will repeat this process until you have told the beginning of each of your stories transitioning between each one. At the break of your last story you will add a direct suggestion and then complete each story starting with the last story first and work through the endings until you have completed the first story.

 Starting and ending with the same story will create a bridge over the other information and your listener will be left with a sort of amnesia about all that happened within the middle.

In an intermediate nested loop you will use all of these steps, same structure of the basic nested loop, only with added refinements to it.  The first refinement that you will make is to the basic structure of the stories you are telling. 

You will begin to use your skills in language and emotional triggers to add an emotional factor to each story you tell.  Your goal is to elicit an emotional state from your listener through each story you tell them. 

In order to accomplish this you will embed your emotionally evoking triggers and language with in the stories you are telling.   You can do this by dancing around themes and using your language skills to create experiences the listener can identify with on some level.

You can also use dramatic devices to help you instill emotion in your stories.  These are the different aspect you see Hollywood using to get you emotionally involved in their theatrics.  Anything from visuals, music and character composition to get your listener to get emotionally involved in the story you are telling. 

You want to be able to create a true experience for your listeners, play a movie inside their heads with your words, and include all the senses and feelings that would be portrayed if the story were a motion picture on the big screen. 

There are two different ways to tell a story, bland and exciting.  It does not really matter what the content of a story is you can make that content exciting or you can make it boring.  You want your stories to be as exciting in whatever emotion you are trying to arouse as possible. 

The best way to get good at this is to practice it with an audience.  If you practice alone you may be able to rehearse your stories better and memorize them but the point is to get a response out of another person.  The only way to know you are doing that is to tell them to other people and monitor their responses. 

You will be able to tell certain things from your audience like where to pause, where to talk faster, where to drop the tone of your voice and where to keep rhythm in your words.  These stories should be practiced to the point of people not minding hearing the same story twice because you are so good at evoking emotion when you tell it; it will always be a fascinating experience.

This is important because a nested loop will only be as good as the story you are putting it into.  If your stories are not strong enough to absorb attention then your loops will be equally as weak because you will fail to draw people into your stories world.  You don’t have to be the best story teller in the world just good enough to get responses out of those around you.

To recap, now you are telling three or more stories for your nested loop, each story is going to draw some type of emotional state in your listeners.  Each time you go through a story beginning you will get an emotion to come up, and then you will break it with a transition and start a new story with a new emotion.  You are creating a chain of emotional experiences within your stories.

This emotional rollercoaster you are creating with your stories is a complicated thing that is very useful in hypnosis.  You are beginning the practice of evoking a negative emotion and then changing it into a positive one through the stories you are telling. 

You are also functioning on multiple levels with your story telling.  You are telling a story, that story is telling a story, providing information and rendering a trance state all through the telling of stories.  This is a powerful process indeed.

This is where you will begin to work your stories much like the ancestors of our pasts.  They would tell the same stories over and over again each time the stories would be slightly different depending on the state of the tribe at that particular junction.  They would use the stock of ten to thirty stories to create a pattern of change within their lives, sound familiar? 

As you do the same thing, you will come up with a set of stories that you use often, you will be able to change those stories to fit the confines of each person you deal with and the situations they are in to elicit a change in their lives.  You will know how to change the stories by the types of reactions you are receiving from your listeners and a constant feedback loop is born. 

You tell the story, they listen, they react, and you observe said reaction and monitor where to take your story from there. 

The second thing you will add at the intermediate level of nesting loops is a trance process.  This will be given instead of just a simple suggestion at the suggestion phase of the nested loops.  The trance processes you will use will be very similar to the suggestions you have originally learned in the effect except it will entail more than a simple suggestion.  The trance processes are created to take the listener’s mind on an excursion, they are more sophisticated than just do this or feel that.

Trance processes can include any number of things from a set of instructions to following a simple trance process that you have read about or developed for your practice previously.  The point is to make it more of a set of things to do instead of a simple suggestion.

At this time you can opt to stay on the direct side of suggestions and review and add the trance processes later.  The point is now you have more to work with on a deeper level of trance that goes deeper into the art of nesting loops, a very valuable and powerful way to get the unconscious to respond to you.

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